Currently we are in a flood watch, with the spring snow melt and recent rain all the rivers and lakes are near or exceeding their banks. Some friends of ours who live along the Fall River have two feet of water in their crawl space, so you can guess we are all watching the water very closely. Residents along the river are sandbagging low lying areas and reinforcing retaining walls. Saturday was cooler with temps in the 40’s and heavy rain . Today was heavy rain for hours this morning. Our family was headed to Grand Lake yesterday morning to eat at the Fat Cat Cafe when they closed Trail Ridge Road due to heavy rains. So we turned around and decided to check out the water situation the whole town in buzzing about. These pictures may not be surprising if you have never seen these rivers before, but to us locals who see these on a regular basis the rate of water is startling.
This is the view of the Roaring River in the Alluvial Fan Area. Now a historical marker and geological reminder of the Lawn Lake Flood, it is a favorite of my kids. Boulder strewn everywhere to play on and the river close by. Later in the summer you would find people playing in the water and soaking up the sun, not today though. If you are interested in learning more about this flood here is a informative article.
Here is my husband he hiked up to a large Boulder to get a better vantage point.
This is a short two minute video of some of the footage showing the flow of water in RMNP.
Downtown where the rivers meet the water is lapping the bridge. We stopped right before the post office and walked East.
Further Down you can see some residences that built levees.
It is wonderful to be close to the river, but this is too close for me.
Here is the bridge by the post office.
Another two minute video showing the Big Thompson River right before it meets the Fall River
With the weather heating up the visitors are flooding in as well. I have been busy fielding calls and showing property. There are bargains in every price range of Estes Park Real Estate so don’t hesitate to give me a call.
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